Referral Connection Strategy Training

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online group program

Referral Connection Strategy Implementation

Starts on Monday October 30th

Let's put a pause on the madness of marketing, the confusion of conversion and the fury of funnels ....Let's talk about what you're REALLY here to do.You want to help. You want to make a difference in the lives and/or in the businesses of your clients. To make an impact in the world.What you didn't want to do, was to become a MARKETER. Or a sales rep. Or a programmer having to code, connect and build complicated funnels, integrations and automations ...I imagine that you actually LIKE people. And that you see yourself being in the business of relationships.If you want to get the coaching, the teaching and the help to grow your business by getting you more clients then I have something exciting that I want to share with you.Now, before you spend any more time reading about all this ...

let's make sure this program will actually help you:

  • Are you a heart-centered entrepreneur, selling a service product (eg coaching, consulting, healing etc)?

  • Does any of the scenarios below sound familiar?

👉 You're getting your work out there already, perhaps on several platforms, you're learning about more and more effective marketing strategies every day, in the hopes of bringing in more clients, and still you're feeling like you're struggling.Or ...👉 You're tired of playing the social media game and would much rather have people simply reach out to you wanting to work with you.

If you want to learn to:

  • Get paid doing what you love,

  • Make a bigger impact and difference in the lives of your clients

  • Learn to connect with people and be more helpful

  • Spend less time marketing and more time practising your craft

  • Avoid needing to feel awkward or pushy when offering your service(s)

  • Handle selling and rejection with more grace and ease

  • Get yourself out there, and get clients into your business in a more comfortable way

Then ... 👇👇👇

Introducing the Referral connection strategy implementation (RCIS) program

For 5 weeks you'll be part of a small and intimate group of people (no more than 5-6 ppl) meeting once a week for a 90-minute-deep-dive-session getting coached, receiving tools and support to help you implement the strategies that are designed to help you create real, loyal and returning clients who can't shut up about you so that your business can thrive on referrals and renewals alone.Following the pillars of the referral connection strategy; craft, cause and care you'll learn to develop real strategies and implement needle-moving tactics without the need of feeling awkward, pushy or even having to use social media 😱

How it works:

  • Start on October 30th, ends on November 27th (5 weeks)

  • Calls on Mondays 9am PST | 12pm EST | 5pm UK | 6pm CET

  • 5x90 minute calls

  • Recorded replays

  • Audio version of recording (for when you're on the go)

  • Call transcript and ...

  • Call summary

  • Weekly 15 minute personal and individual coaching call* (optional)

* Each week you get an optional individual laser coaching session receiving support on what's most relevant to you for that week, by simply picking an available slot in my online calandar. Subject to availability.

RCSI Learning Modules:

For any questions, send me an email at

This really works ... Let me show you:

These are referrals and people reaching out to me inquiring to work with me, that came in the past week only. (I'm sharing this not to brag. I share it to show you that it actually works!

👆 This is from a published author and coach who trains other coaches, and who just filled a big arena with people for a charity event – which became a success – in short, this is a B2B contact or H2H contact (Human to Human).


Q: What is the format of the training program?
A:Our 5-week online group training program is conducted entirely online over Google Meet (no google account is required when joining from a computer)
Q: When are the live sessions held, and will there be a replay?
A: Live sessions are held on Mondays starting on the 30th of October 9am PST | 12pm EST | 5pm UK | 6pm CET (and finish on November the 27th), and they are recorded for participants who cannot attend in real-time. You can access these recordings at your convenience.
Q: How do I interact with other participants in the training?
A: You're encouraged to connect with your fellow participants, and outside of the live sessions there's no additional community platform available.
Q: Do you offer payment plans?
A: Yes. When you enter your payment details (above) you can choose to pay in full ($295) or in two installments over two months (2x$147.5)
Q: What's your refund policy?
A: If after the first week and having attended the first live session you feel that this isn't for you, I will give you a full refund -- you can simply email me at
Q: If I have questions how can I get help?
A: You can always email me at PLUS for the duration of the program every week you have the option of getting on a 15 minute laser coaching call with me where we can focus more on your specific needs. You'll schedule your session via the calendar link that is sent out when the program starts. It's a first come first serve basis, and is subject to availability.
Q: How do I join the program?
A: Right here 👈 (takes you back up to the payment section where you provide you can provide your details)